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Warranty Terms and Complaints

I. Warranty Period

All goods purchased by customers are warranted for a period of 24 months unless otherwise stated on the product. There is an exception in case of used goods which are warranted for a period of 12 months. Goods purchased for other business are warranted for 12 months. The warranty period begins on the date of receipt of the goods.

II. Errors

Customer has the right to make a claim to warranty regarding errors caused by vendor, supplier or producer and are covered by warranty.

Fair wear and tear caused by regular usage of goods are not considered as errors covered by warranty. Therefore shorter product life can not be regarded as an error and it is not possible to complain about it.

Liability for errors shall not apply to defects caused by the following:

• mechanical damage caused by the buyer,
• mishandling,
• handling of the product in any way other than was intended,
• care and maintenance failures,
• excessive load,
• use in violation of the conditions set out in the documentation, general principles, technical standards, safety regulations or any other breach of warranty terms,
• unprofessional installation.

III. Remedies

Correctable error must be removed for free, properly and in due time. The process of removing the defect decides seller. Customer may insist on new product instead of repair work only if it does not result in unreasonable costs for the seller.

Customer has the right to exchange product or to withdraw from the contract (return of the purchase price) in case of an irreparable error.

IV. Complaint Procedure

Customer will file a complaint immediately after finding the product error. For faster processing of your complaint, we recommend filling out the online complaint form or the complaint form in pdf, which can be found on our website.

Goods must be sent to the address of AutoRicambi listed in the Contacts section. Goods must be properly wrapped to prevent damaging during transport. Please attach a copy of invoice and complete the warranty claim.

AutoRicambi will acknowledge the receipt of the complaint and will send the customer an advice of receipt in the appropriate manner.

AutoRicambi is obliged to determine the way to handle complaint immediately, in complicated cases within 3 days from the start of the complaint procedure (the date of receipt claimed goods). In justified cases (if necessary technical assessment of the importer or manufacturer) no later than 30 days from the start of the complaint procedure.

V. Damaged Shipment

It is necessary to check the shipment when receiving the goods in the presence of the courier. By signing the approval note customer declares that the packaging is not damaged.

Countries where the complaints about damaged shipment are accepted within 7 days from the delivery date are Germany and Poland.

In all other countries the complaints about damaged shipment are accepted only if they are notified on the delivery day. In this case, customer has to make a written statement about damaged shipment with the courier of the shipping company.

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